This is the key to building lasting change...
Global Presence
Number of unique users reached with our content across all our social media feeds.
Total money we have raised for humanitarian and welfare causes.
Videos Viewed
Equivalent to 13 years worth of consecutive viewing!
Total number of unique users following us on Facebook
A life is not important except in the imprint it has on other lives...
We pray it is the quality of our work which will please God the most, and not the quantity!
Total number of books sold and distributed worldwide
Unique Attendees
Total number of attendees across our events, sport sessions, counselling sessions, and workshops
Pieces of Academia
Includes articles, fatawa, and research papers.
YouTube Subscribers
Total number of unique subscribers on YouTube
X (Twitter) Followers
Total number of unique users following us on X (Twitter)
Instagram Followers
Total number of unique users following us on Instagram
Unique Students
Total number of students that we have taught sacred knowledge
Unique Events & Courses
Total number of events, sport sessions, and courses we have organised
Total number of students who study across our courses per week this academic (23-24) year
Children in Sports
Total number of children who take part in our weekly sport sessions during this academic (23-24) year
Hours of Teaching
Total number of hours we teach a week across our Islamic courses during this academic (23-24) year
Adults Doing Hifz
Total number of adults studying hifz with us
Total number of courses we teach a week across our Islamic courses during this academic (23-24) year
Teachers Produced
Total number of teachers we have helped develop and nurture
Years of Service
Total number of years (thus far) that we have served our communities for the sake of Allah
Children Doing Hifz
Total number of children studying Hifz with us
Years of Moon Sighting
Total number of years we have spearheaded and led our communities on starting each Islamic month
Homegrown Teachers Teaching
Total number of teachers that we helped develop who are now teaching with us