E s s e n t i a l

We are fundraising
to establish the Lūx Mosque
in Bradford

Lūx in Latin means "light", and we pray that this illumination leads the way for our local and wider community on the Final Day...

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Lighting the path to a brighter future

By the Grace of Allah, we have secured a site in the heart of Bradford with a single goal of reviving the Sunnah! And we need your help to make this vision a communal reality.

In the Name of Allah as Our Door we launch the first fundraising milestone where we will insha'Allah raise £850,000 to purchase the Haworth Road Methodist Church.

 Phase One Breakdown |  Donate Now

With Ya-Sin as our Sanctuary we will move onto the second project milestone, as we launch an appeal to help fully refurbish the building.

 Phase Two Breakdown |  Donate Now

Protected by "Ha-Mim-Ayn-Sin-Qaf", our third and final milestone will see the implementation of our signature community initiatives, and where the rewards of your kind support and supplications will be divinely remunerated.

 Phase Three Breakdown |  Donate Now

Celebrating 14 years of reviving the Sunnah, we have established a variety of organisations and initiatives that have tackled issues of disadvantage and exclusion head-on; leading to profound community engagement and empowerment.

There are changemakers in every community

Interested in getting involved and giving back to your community? Contact us and join the team today.